Saturday, 11 February 2012

Hi Bloggerers!

Hello fellow bloggers! Yes...I know its the one and only Xeal, here talking through his blog. Despite the fact that you don't know me and Xeal isn't my real name.

So, let us get acquainted readers! My last name is Steven (I won't be giving my first name for obvious reasons). I basically made this blog so that others have the chance to see into my wonderful life X).

I have a dog, his name is Archie, an absolutely awesome dog :), I'm pretty proud of him XD.

I've recently moved out of my parents house, its pretty damn awesome, I live here with my housemate Chloe, she's pretty cool I guess, we kind of just have a housemate relationship, you in a newspaper, I took it and now I live here kinda thing... more thing about myself before I end this amazing entry... I like to play xbox 360 :).


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